Archive for the ‘Awards’ Category

Tagged?? – A Unique Award

Posted on 8 Comments

Yes, I have been tagged by  Khaula Nazir!  Thank you so much!  Please check out her work at the links below. I love the versatility of her blogs!  Stop by and enjoy her wonderful work!

Khaula’s personal links are listed below:

Here are rules for you to follow if you have been tagged.  Take your time.  It indeed may take awhile, but it’s fun once you set your mind to it.

1. Post these rules.

2. Post a photo of yourself and eleven random facts about you.

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11 Random Facts About Me:  1. I don’t like malls.  2.  I like unique jewelry  3. My ears are not pierced. 4.  I exercise an hour a day. 5.  6. My natural hair is a dusty brownish color. 7.  When I was a child, I was often called, Shawn Jones, the Bag of Bones. 8. I love thunderstorms. 9.  I dislike talking on the phone;I would much rather meet for lunch. 10.  My closest friends are my family members.  11. I teach jazz dance.

3. Answer the questions given to you in the tagger’s post.
1) Who is your favourite author? Toni Morrison
2) What would you do if you found a wallet full of money and you knew who had lost it? Give it back to the owner.
3) What would be the one wish that you’d possibly choose as your last one? To die when I am at least 90 years old on the same date and time as my husband.
4) Your favourite movie? A Beautiful Mind
5) Your favourite book?  I cannot choose.  There are several that I love.
6) Who is your favourite singer?  Michael Jackson
7) Your favorite place? The mountains
8) Are you in favour of a dog or a cat…..or simply no pet at all? I have 3 dogs-a pug, a pit bull, and a poodle.
9) If you and your friend were dying and you could save either one, who would you save? I have no idea.  It would depend on the situation.  It may be harder to watch someone else die than it would be to die myself.
10) What is it that you like to do when you are free? Travel with my husband
11) Your favorite thing? (It could be anything ranging from money to food.) books

4. Create eleven new questions and tag new people to answer them.

    1.  If you knew you only had 10 more years to live, how would you live your life differently?

    2.  If you had a chance to go back in time, what would you change about your life?

    3.  If someone were to write a book about your life, what would it be titled?

    4.  What is the most risky thing you have ever done?

    5.  Complete this sentence:  I would love to help____________.

    6.  What is your favorite dish?

    7.  What is you favorite song? 

    8.  What is your favorite form of communication?

    9.  What is your earliest childhood memory?

    10.  If you had to change your name, what would you call yourself?

    11.  Why do you blog?

5. Go to their blog/twitter and let them know they have been tagged.

I have tagged the following people: (no rush and no obligation)

1. ebonisade


3. Insight

4.  boomiebol

5.  Sheeki86

6.  carolineskan

Wonderful Team Member Readership Award

Posted on 15 Comments

Uzoma, I cannot thank you enough for this award! But I will try.  Thank you a billion times over for nominating me more than once, and please forgive me for taking so long to get to this.  I truly appreciate it!  Now, what can I say about your work?!  Uzoma’s work is brilliant!  Oh, and his love poems are so wonderful, I have thought of writing them in a card for my husband, changing all the she’s to he’s and her’s to him’s lol  Of course, I would never do that, but I think you get my point.  And his short stories are very powerful.  Please check out his blog and see for yourself.  You will not be dissatisfied. Click the link below:

85 Degrees



The Rules:

  1. You have to nominate 14 other bloggers and pass the love along.
  2. Display the award certificate on your website.

My wonderful nominees are below:


2.  lexa

3. adetokunbohr

4.  lisaelskerarvi

5.  Khaula Naxir

6.  marvaseaton

7.  coastalmom

8.  suzywordm

9.  Anka

10.  Alethea Matth

11.  Summer

12.  The Persecuti

13.  lumatiza

14.  photography


Love and blessings to all of you!

Beautiful Blogger Award

Posted on 14 Comments

I am so so grateful for the Beautiful Blogger Award!  Uzoma, thank you so much for this nomination!  If you are not a follower of Uzoma’s blog, you are missing out on some brilliant writing.  His lines have often left me in awe and in very deep thought. If you are a follower, you already know how wonderfully inspiring and encouraging he is!    Stop by and follow his blog, 85 Degrees, today:

85 Degrees


Seven more random things about me:

1.  I clean better when I am angry and write better when I am sick (not too sick).

2.  I love slant rhyme.

3.  I write in the morning, read in the evening, and pray all day.

4.  I prefer books to movies.

5.  I don’t watch sports.

6.  I don’t like politics, but I do vote.

7.  My favorite place in the world is in my husband’s arms.

I am very happy to nominate the following bloggers for this award:

1.  lumatiza

2.   J.R.Taylor

3.  murielle cyr

4.  edithlevyphotography

5.  Gigi wanders
Please stop by their blogs and enjoy their work!
Oh, and nominees, here are the rules:

The Rules:

  1. Copy and place the Beautiful Blogger Award in your post.
  2.  Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  3.  Tell 7 things about yourself.
  4. Nominate 7 fellow bloggers for the Beautiful Blogger Award, tell them by posting a comment on their blogs.

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Posted on 9 Comments

I am so honored that I have been nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award!  I would like to say thank you so very much to  randomaveragegirl .  Please take the time to check out her blog.  She discloses her private thoughts and struggles. I believe her openness will help many of her readers.

7 things about me:

1.  I am a vegan.

2.  I am a doll collector.

3.  I love the mountains.

4.  Reading is my favorite activity.

5.  I teach three dance classes a week.

6.  Red lights and scented candles relax me.

7.  I love scarves.

I would like to nominate the following people for this award:

1.  Seyi sandra

2. Keeping it Real


The rules are:

The Rules are:

1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

Thank you so much!!!!!!!

Shine On and Reality Award

Posted on 13 Comments

The very talented and insightful Uzoma has nominated my blog, shawnrjones12 for the Shine On and Reality Blog Awards.  I am especially honored to get this nomination from Uzoma because I greatly admire his work. He has mastered both concision and rhythm in his writing.  He has a vast vocabulary, yet he also manages to weave together common words, giving them more meaning than they would have standing alone.  His similes and metaphors are symphonically placed on the page like notes of an alluring song.  Please stop by his page and enjoy the music. Uzoma, thank you so much for nominating me.  I have only been blogging for two weeks, and your encouragement has been invaluable!  Blessings to you!


Shine On Award


  1. Show appreciation of the blogger who nominated you and link back to them in your post
  2. Add the award logo to your blog
  3. Share 7 things about yourself
  4.  Nominate 5 – 10 or so bloggers you admire
  5. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know
  6. Optional questions (This one I will forego for now to make it easier on everyone!)

 Seven things about me that you will not find in my bio:

  1.  My close friends call me Lucy.  Yes, from the “I love Lucy” show.
  2. I am clumsy.
  3. I love vegan chocolate chip cookies!
  4. I am five feet two inches short.
  5. I have been dancing for 40 years!
  6. I have a pit bull, a pug, and a poodle.
  7. Wild turkeys often hang out in my backyard.

I am pleased to nominate the following blogs:


Don’t forget to stop by Uzoma’a blog:  Thank you again, Uzoma!