Shine On and Reality Award

Posted on 13 Comments

The very talented and insightful Uzoma has nominated my blog, shawnrjones12 for the Shine On and Reality Blog Awards.  I am especially honored to get this nomination from Uzoma because I greatly admire his work. He has mastered both concision and rhythm in his writing.  He has a vast vocabulary, yet he also manages to weave together common words, giving them more meaning than they would have standing alone.  His similes and metaphors are symphonically placed on the page like notes of an alluring song.  Please stop by his page and enjoy the music. Uzoma, thank you so much for nominating me.  I have only been blogging for two weeks, and your encouragement has been invaluable!  Blessings to you!


Shine On Award


  1. Show appreciation of the blogger who nominated you and link back to them in your post
  2. Add the award logo to your blog
  3. Share 7 things about yourself
  4.  Nominate 5 – 10 or so bloggers you admire
  5. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know
  6. Optional questions (This one I will forego for now to make it easier on everyone!)

 Seven things about me that you will not find in my bio:

  1.  My close friends call me Lucy.  Yes, from the “I love Lucy” show.
  2. I am clumsy.
  3. I love vegan chocolate chip cookies!
  4. I am five feet two inches short.
  5. I have been dancing for 40 years!
  6. I have a pit bull, a pug, and a poodle.
  7. Wild turkeys often hang out in my backyard.

I am pleased to nominate the following blogs:


Don’t forget to stop by Uzoma’a blog:  Thank you again, Uzoma!

13 Responses

  1. Congratulations! What a lovely honor!

  2. Ganesh Raam says:

    Wonderful!!! Thank you so much! I am honored! 🙂

  3. Uzoma says:

    Oh-oh. Your ‘random’ is quite interesting. Pitbulls are rare around here. Mine is an Alsatian and is almost four years old.

    Todays as always, you words elate my spirit. I’m my greatest critic and at times I fear it does me more harm than good. Thanks for visiting my blog whenever it’s updated. Shawn, you’re also a gifted poet and writer–never forget that. Blessings to you and your family as well!

  4. icingandcake says:

    Thank you so so much, I can not explain how honoured I am at this, it’s something I never would have dreamed of when I started this blogging journey! Thank you! 🙂

  5. Rhonda C.Fitzgerald says:

    Congratulations, Shawn! What an honor!

  6. adetokunbohr says:

    Thanks for nominating me. It’s such a hue honor. *I’ll try to follow the rules*

  7. jalal michael sabbagh. says:

    congratulation on the award.Thank you for following my site.Wishing you wonderful holidays.jalal

  8. Thank you, and may your holidays be blessed, too : )

  9. […] Reality Blog Award by Shawn R Jones […]

  10. […] to Shawn R Jones, Soumya, And Life Smiles, Igyslaine, Summer, Sweta and numerous others for inspiring me every […]

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