When I Break at Dawn

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I wrote this poem last summer and had my students choreograph a dance to it.


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 When I Break at Dawn

I sleep among the same stars.

I am the spotted moon-

Crescent shape, my soul doth quake

Deep in midnight’s cocoon.

I dream about the same dreams.

am the castle in the sky,

But not the fairy-tales of all is well…

I ask my Father, “Why?”

I rise with the same Son,

And yet I  break at dawn-

An insecurity of reality-

A hope of change moved on.

I dance to the same songs-

I am the twine-flexed child

Of fantasy.  I cannot be

A dancer in this shroud.

I pray to the same God,

Though I am spotted, flexed, and twined.

And tomorrow morning when I break –

I’ll break with all mankind.


Shawn R. Jones

Author of the devotional book, Pictures in Glass Frames   http://t.co/BxiNwWRG and the poetry chapbook, Womb Rain, http://www.amazon.com/Womb-Rain-New-Womens-Voices/dp/1599242699/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1337717218&sr=8-1

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