Author Archive

Queen Bee

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Queen Bee


When yellow rain showers

germinate goldenrod

flowers’ sweet nectar hour

I become queen.

Pollen baskets yield my fame,

until drones die to mate

then mate to die—

HIV of those who

fly beneath my wing.

I close my eyes,

respect their darkness,

and lick their short-haired shells.

Then realize as the skyline’s

kissed by dawn…


this moment is mine.


Shawn R. Jones

Reprinted from Womb Rain

(Finishing Line Press, 2008)

Your Masterpiece-Ashmont Hill

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This is another song I listen to in the morning to prepare me for the day. I hope it inspires you like it inspires me. God Bless!

One of My Favorites

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If you realize that God brought you out of something you could have never gotten out of on your own, than you will probably enjoy this.  I have been there, and I am grateful for His deliverance.

Tagged?? – A Unique Award

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Yes, I have been tagged by  Khaula Nazir!  Thank you so much!  Please check out her work at the links below. I love the versatility of her blogs!  Stop by and enjoy her wonderful work!

Khaula’s personal links are listed below:

Here are rules for you to follow if you have been tagged.  Take your time.  It indeed may take awhile, but it’s fun once you set your mind to it.

1. Post these rules.

2. Post a photo of yourself and eleven random facts about you.

575931_3477740867629_1777159544_n (2)

11 Random Facts About Me:  1. I don’t like malls.  2.  I like unique jewelry  3. My ears are not pierced. 4.  I exercise an hour a day. 5.  6. My natural hair is a dusty brownish color. 7.  When I was a child, I was often called, Shawn Jones, the Bag of Bones. 8. I love thunderstorms. 9.  I dislike talking on the phone;I would much rather meet for lunch. 10.  My closest friends are my family members.  11. I teach jazz dance.

3. Answer the questions given to you in the tagger’s post.
1) Who is your favourite author? Toni Morrison
2) What would you do if you found a wallet full of money and you knew who had lost it? Give it back to the owner.
3) What would be the one wish that you’d possibly choose as your last one? To die when I am at least 90 years old on the same date and time as my husband.
4) Your favourite movie? A Beautiful Mind
5) Your favourite book?  I cannot choose.  There are several that I love.
6) Who is your favourite singer?  Michael Jackson
7) Your favorite place? The mountains
8) Are you in favour of a dog or a cat…..or simply no pet at all? I have 3 dogs-a pug, a pit bull, and a poodle.
9) If you and your friend were dying and you could save either one, who would you save? I have no idea.  It would depend on the situation.  It may be harder to watch someone else die than it would be to die myself.
10) What is it that you like to do when you are free? Travel with my husband
11) Your favorite thing? (It could be anything ranging from money to food.) books

4. Create eleven new questions and tag new people to answer them.

    1.  If you knew you only had 10 more years to live, how would you live your life differently?

    2.  If you had a chance to go back in time, what would you change about your life?

    3.  If someone were to write a book about your life, what would it be titled?

    4.  What is the most risky thing you have ever done?

    5.  Complete this sentence:  I would love to help____________.

    6.  What is your favorite dish?

    7.  What is you favorite song? 

    8.  What is your favorite form of communication?

    9.  What is your earliest childhood memory?

    10.  If you had to change your name, what would you call yourself?

    11.  Why do you blog?

5. Go to their blog/twitter and let them know they have been tagged.

I have tagged the following people: (no rush and no obligation)

1. ebonisade


3. Insight

4.  boomiebol

5.  Sheeki86

6.  carolineskan

Wonderful Team Member Readership Award

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Uzoma, I cannot thank you enough for this award! But I will try.  Thank you a billion times over for nominating me more than once, and please forgive me for taking so long to get to this.  I truly appreciate it!  Now, what can I say about your work?!  Uzoma’s work is brilliant!  Oh, and his love poems are so wonderful, I have thought of writing them in a card for my husband, changing all the she’s to he’s and her’s to him’s lol  Of course, I would never do that, but I think you get my point.  And his short stories are very powerful.  Please check out his blog and see for yourself.  You will not be dissatisfied. Click the link below:

85 Degrees



The Rules:

  1. You have to nominate 14 other bloggers and pass the love along.
  2. Display the award certificate on your website.

My wonderful nominees are below:


2.  lexa

3. adetokunbohr

4.  lisaelskerarvi

5.  Khaula Naxir

6.  marvaseaton

7.  coastalmom

8.  suzywordm

9.  Anka

10.  Alethea Matth

11.  Summer

12.  The Persecuti

13.  lumatiza

14.  photography


Love and blessings to all of you!

You are more than you see in the mirror

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(This is a work  of fiction inspired by a close friend)

I examined myself in the full length mirror, my eyes moving like dusk across a fading horizon.  My husband had left me earlier that year, and my twin boys were away at college.  For the first time in my adult life, I had time alone, and I honestly did not want it-not with that body and that face in front of a mirror of images closing in on me like midnight darkness.

I decided to take a shower and shampoo my hair-a ritual that had always made me feel better.  I massaged my thick fro under the hard stream and used the unopened shower gel someone had given me the Christmas before.  I got out slowly, determined to give each second new meaning.  I brushed my teeth, flossed, gargled, moisturized my skin, and put on a white terrycloth robe.  I sat in front of the fireplace, put clear polish on the nails of my fingers and toes, and sat comfortably in front of a burgundy flame.  I was really trying not to feel sorry for myself, but it was difficult because I had never felt so lonely.  My mind searched anxiously for meaning, switching from one random thought to the next.  I couldn’t decide if I should prepare for my husband’s possible return or change the locks and move forward with my life.  Then, I thought of my boys.  They were going to be home in a few months.  Yet, it was only autumn and much too soon to plan a holiday dinner for them or rewash their sheets.  Finally, I thought I would call someone, but I had cut my close friends off decades ago.  I couldn’t possibly call them now and ask them to pick up where we left off-where I left off.  I conjured up feelings of worthlessness and regret, asking myself who I was and by whose standard I should define myself, by myself, alone.


After thirty-five years of marriage and nineteen years of motherhood, I had become my family.  I was my husband and my sons.  When I looked at them, I saw myself, and when they weren’t there, I saw nothing.  Suddenly, I realized I had not completed anything that would have given me a personal sense of accomplishment.  I had unused gym memberships, twelve more credits to earn my college degree, a failing courier business, and a collection of items I had planned to put to good use some day.  Now, that it was someday, I had lost all motivation.  I felt I had grown too old, too unattractive, and too unintelligent to accomplish anything.  Yet, in a deep and almost unreachable part of me, I felt there was a purpose that remained unexplored all my life.

Well, that night, in front of the fire, a voice spoke to me with more feeling than sound. It moved through my body like an approaching storm and loved me more than I had ever been loved before.  It told me to stand up and reexamine myself.  I moved from the fire and stood in front of the full length mirror again, remembering a phrase my grandmother had told me years before: “We all gotta a job to do, and if we don’t know what it is, we better talk to God about it.”  My grandmother was never fancy with the way she said things, and she was uneducated and full of southern slang, but she was the most wise and most virtuous woman I had ever known and undeniably the most  beautiful-no frills, pure virtue.

I held both sides of the mirror, dropped my head and prayed.  I talked to God incessantly in a voice that reminded me of my grandmother’s.  When I opened my eyes, I discovered I was so much more than who and what I saw.  I was a representation of past, present, and future generations.  I was my mother’s laugh and father’s smile.  I was my Aunt Betty’s song and dance, my Uncle Ray’s sense of adventure, and my grandfather’s strength and keeper of stories.  I was the family stabilizer and teacher who would be a warm lap, soft arms, and wisdom to my grandchildren.  As for my grandmother, I was her voice and her Amen.

As a family, we had endured centuries of dysfunction and adversity. Yet, we were all fine miracles of genealogy, wonderfully and divinely made, given specific duties to help others and reflect God’s glory.  We did not always reflect His glory, and some of us died before we completed our duties.  However, I knew there were still generations to save.  With that revelation in mind, I prayed and studied myself for an hour in front of the full length mirror with my reflection like day, breaking before me.

Posted on November 23rd, 2011 by

Author of the devotional book, Pictures in Glass Frames

and the poetry chapbook, Womb Rain,

Taking Flight

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San Diego, California 2013