One of my favorite places to be, the dance studio. Anthony Rhodes (dancer/choreographer) is one of the most talented people I know.
One of my favorite places to be, the dance studio. Anthony Rhodes (dancer/choreographer) is one of the most talented people I know.
Aii, if you’ve done this for more than 20 years you must be ultra-fit 😉 Does your daughter dance too?
I probably should not admit that I have actually been dancing 40 YEARS! I have been teaching dance about 15 years. My daughter does not dance professionally, but I hear she can jam at those college parties lol She is an amazing writer and scholar, though : ) Ultra…fit eh… I do have sets of guns for arms and legs lol
btw, I have an aunt who is 60+. she has danced with Micheal Jackson. If she will allow me to post her photo soon, I will. She looks incredible. I believe dancing is the best form of exercise and the most fun : )
40 years?????? *screaming*……..
LOL!!!!!!!! You are hilarious!!!