After helping our daughter move back into her dorm at Princeton, my husband and I took our moms to see Motown in Manhattan, NY. Our grateful mothers were dancing in their seats. Before the show, we had dinner at Planet Hollywood, which I highly recommend. There is never more than a five minute wait, and the food is so so good. Oh, and the bathrooms are spotless ; ) Bathrooms matter. Here are a few photos from our day. If I find some time later in the week, I will add more to this post. I have much more I would like to share with you, but since we got in at 2 a.m., I can’t seem to find the energy. So, if you are interested, check this post out later ; )
Our day started at 6:30 a.m. We purchased a few things to get her through the first semester of her senior year.
Yes, this is her last year at Princeton!
I hope you weren’t expecting a glamour shot first thing in the morning. My daughter will probably get me for posting this one : )
Sleepwalking. Yet, this is proof that I do help.
And later…that same day…
My mother and mother-in-law at Planet Hollywood
I am not a night owl. The wall is holding me up.
I will have to add more to this later. Motown was so spectacular that I need a nap and a few days to go by before I can write about it. I would not do it any justice if i wrote about it now. Until then, blessings!
The Show
The lights came up. The first musical note made me want to hop out of my chair. My eyes lit up like a child’s does at Disney World when her favorite character comes over to shake her hand. I was in my element! If I could see a Broadway play everyday, I would. Nostalgia was the word of the evening. The music and the memories danced together. Sometimes they just collided like awkward preteens slowing dragging for the first time. The collision was a result of a rough memory. For example, if the song, My Girl, reminded someone of their first and last love, that would surely cause a mental collision. Other songs reminded us of loved ones who had passed on. When a man bopped across the stage to a song I no longer remember now, dragging one leg behind him, I thought of my father. With it came both wet eyes and a smile. Other songs made me think of my mother with an afro with her hands on her hips, posing for a camera as I smiled admiring her beauty. She was my god then, perfect in my eyes. I guess it is how any small child views a good mother who gives parenting her all.
Speaking of giving it all, the Motown cast was magnificent! They made you forget it was the 21st century. When they sang, you were in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. They went there briefly and took you with them. I didn’t feel anyone in the audience was left behind. We were all there together with The Temptations, Supremes, and the Jackson Five. For a moment, we forgot everything we would have to remember as soon as we got back home.
To be continued…
You even look fashionable moving your daughter into her dorm! I love it!
Thanks for the review on the show, I am going to tell my aunts about the show, I think they would really enjoy it.
You would love it, too! You and your husband should definitely see it!
When I got dressed that morning I was ready to work. My daughter and husband have this on-going belief that I haven’t helped much with the moving process over the past four years lol
Going to stop pass your blog for some inspiration this morning ; ) I have been exercising for an hour a day all summer, but today I feel like relaxing. My legs feel like logs, and I swear if I close my eyes again, I will sleep for hours! On to your page : )
Love the sleepwalking shot…looking good! …Done with the bill and done with college age children and the responsibilities that comes with it! She will be officially grown and joining her brother with the title of “grown and on my own!” Until she needs her laundry done, gets hungry for a real meal or needs some paper towels and ritz crackers! Lol! Smooches!
Thank you, Crys! I am not going to miss that bill at all, but you know we would do it all over again for her, even though she rejected multiple free-rides (esp to our wonderful Alma Mater) We are blessed that our girls had and still have so many options!
She better live off of those crackers. Laundry @@!!!! She better call a laundry service! lol
Smooches back to you!