Poem Accepted by River Heron Review 2018

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Admission of Guilt


Their first home was in the bowels of Camden.

I gave them birth. It gave them depth

for wherever their wooden legs would take them.


They would remember the shack

out back with no windows

men and women coming in and out


of its wounded orifices like rodents

foraging for food, sex, drugs.

They would remember the 75 pounds of cocaine


that fell from the sky and landed

on our freshly poured stoop.

It fell like snow, so I told them,


It is snow,

but keep your tongue

in your mouth.


They would remember the woman

running naked in front of my car with rain

shrunken hair and bloody beige breasts.


Then they would remember

yellow buses carrying them a couple towns

over to an immaculate school


where they were not allowed

to color Jesus

or the angels brown.


Shawn R. Jones

River Heron Review (2018)


“Admission of Guilt” was published in River Heron Review’s debut issue.  You can read the issue at the following link: https://www.riverheronreview.com/poemsandpoets#/shawn-jones/

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