Archive for the ‘Poetry’ Category


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By Shawn R. Jones


Last night

I saw your image

relaxing in the green

suede chair

legs crossed

barefoot shaking

cigarette in right hand

drink in left-no ice

blue jeans-regular fit

dark jaw tightened

brown eyes fixed

and thin lips parted

by smoke escaping

a ghostly kiss.


Love’s Silhouette

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for my husband, Jeffrey 


In twenty years of respecting love’s art,

Between us some things are never discussed.

There’s a silence we both know we can trust

Beyond simple words that cannot impart

The emotions from which love’s longing starts.

Strong feelings I struggle to readjust

In the complication of love and lust

For a true man who has mastered my heart.


You’ve claimed and sustained my intricacies

In quiet moments I’ll never forget

So anointed by our sweet faithfulness.

Thus, in the midst of pure delicacies,

A fire reflects two dark silhouettes

Entangled in love’s unlimitedness.


Shawn R. Jones (2007)

revised (2012)

Poem I Revised this Weekend

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When I reach over

and touch your hand,

our fingers entwine,

and loose segments of me

begin to mend

and adhere to

broken segments of you.

My past, your past,

our defeated fathers, dispirited mothers,

sickle-celled self-hatred,

and disquieted memories dissapate

as our wan hearts swell

and we become whole.

No trite phrases can explain

how we regain virtuousness through love

and become all we were destined to be

in each other’s arms.


Shawn R. Jones



Often times I combine my love of poetry with my love of dance.  I wrote this poem for my African Dance instructor and friend, Melanie Kelly, a few Christmases ago.


by Shawn R. Jones

for Melanie Kelly


Unbind blood of new creations
Let your body go.
Beat drums of liberation.
Feed the overflow
of rhythms under condemnation-
movements they call sin.
Swagger hips in your frustration.
Let you body win.
Jerk your neck out of oppression
till each braid whips loose.
Wipe sweat from pent up affections.
Feel tensions reduce.
Swing your arms in opposition
to everything you know.
Batter bones of your temptation.
Bang your body low.


Melanie, thank you so much!  I miss you!



Music is Everything

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Music is soft sheets

still in the quietness of sleep

with two bodies of potential music,

a morning heartbeat, a tender breath,

and the rise and fall of a sleeping chest.


There is music of possibility

like slippers dragging

across a wooden floor

to a shower’s hard stream,

an occasional sigh, harmonizing

through a soapy mist,

with yesterday’s songs

hip hopping down a long drain

of ageless, desirable music.


Shawn R. Jones

You Lived More Beautifully

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In memory of my close friend, T.G.


I would have cursed all of Port Author’s town

If I had darkened the clear Texas moon

To change the fate of that November’s gloom

When bereaved loved ones had to lie you down

Dressed in your untimely burial gown.

Before you had a chance to fully bloom,

T’was love that delivered to you such doom,

But love will be sure to restore your crown.


Your husband is the one who breathes in shame

And his marred conscience will loosen what’s sane,

But his crime is not where you dwell.

For visions of you dancing were not slain

Nor were sounds of sweet laughter that remain

To live on more beautifully than you fell.


Shawn R. Jones (2008)

This Fall

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I want to see God

in the dividing light

of shadowed branches

that drop twisted leaves

in swirling blue currents

of green and black earth

and watch his smile multiply

in ripples that ride

cool autumn downstream.


Shawn R. Jones